Grafenberger Allee 125, 40237 Düsseldorf
Abaut Us

We and our partners exist on the market for more than 25 years, delivering top quality windows, doors and conservatories to our clients all across Europe, especially in Germany and Poland. Our German branch in Düsseldorf- ZKP Bau GmbH was created as result of an in-depth analysis of the European market and its current needs.

We have the best technicians and engineers working for us, all with massive experience gained over many years in the field.

We offer you high-quality products assembled by leading Polish companies and their skilled workforce. We use best components from renowned European manufactures such as Schüco, REHAU, TS ALUMINIUM, PONZIO, and ALUPROF. We take pride in a job well done, our team will work with you to ensure your vision is realised. We aim to satisfy all our clients, no matter how big the job. Thanks to great quality products and professional approach we managed to find costumers in many countries such as Germany, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Austria, Iceland or Sweden.

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